  • SWING next GU10 trimless recessed
  • SWING next GU10 trimless recessed
  • SWING next GU10 trimless recessed

SWING next GU10 trimless recessed

SWING next GU10 trimless wpuszczany

Príkon: 50W
Pätica: GU10

Stmievateľné: Phase-Control
Bez svetelného zdroja

A hole saw custom-made for the dimensions of the SWING fixture, enabling easy and precise preparation of the mounting hole for the trimless luminaire.

  • Vstupné napätie - 230V.
  • Iec trieda ochrany - 2.
  • Minimálna vzdialenosť zdroja svetla od nasvetľovaného objektu, či povrchu - 0.5 m.
  • Ip ochrana proti vniknutiu vody a iným telesám - IP20.
  • Smer vyžarovania: directional down
  • Dimmable luminaire with light output controlled by input voltage level.
  • SWING next GU10 trimless wpuszczany
Inštalačné rozmery:
Φ80mmHmin: 120mm

kontaktujte nás kvôli aktuálnej cene
Záruka: 2 roky

SWING next GU10 trimless Phase-Control recessed black38070-0000-U8-PH-12
SWING next GU10 trimless Phase-Control recessed white38070-0000-U8-PH-13
SWING next GU10 trimless Phase-Control recessed gold38070-0000-U8-PH-19
SWING next GU10 trimless Phase-Control recessed taupe38070-0000-U8-PH-82
SWING next GU10 trimless Phase-Control recessed terracotta38070-0000-U8-PH-83
SWING next GU10 trimless Phase-Control recessed grey38070-0000-U8-PH-84
mounting accessories ACCESSORIES:Katalógové číslo
Trimless hole saw 75x115x381244