  • MIXLINE LED system recessed

MIXLINE LED system recessed

MIXLINE LED system wpuszczany

Puissance: dépend de la version
Available colour temperatures: 2700K/3000K/4000K

Source de lumiere intégrée

Gear included
System wymaga użycia kilku elementów składowych
The system can be composed of modules equipped with lenses, opal covers and PET reflectors. Additionally, there are non-luminous sections and power supply sections, which must be appropriately selected to the length of the system. To request a lighting fixture design, please contact our sales representative. Kindly provide information regarding the desired length, shape, colour scheme, mounting method, lighting elements, as well as light parameters.

  • Tension d'entrée - 230V.
  • CRI coefficient - CRI>90.
  • Classe de protection IEC - 1.
  • La distance minimale entre la source et l'objet ou surface éclairée - 0.2 m.
  • Classement IP - IP20.
  • Direction d'illumination: mixed
  • LED integrated
  • Light source in the third MacAdam elipse range.
  • MIXLINE LED system wpuszczany
Dimension de montage:
46mmHmin: 110mm
46×284mmHmin: 110mm
46×1034mmHmin: 110mm
Angle de faisceau: 26° / 54°


  • MIXLINE LED recessed
  • MIXLINE LED surface
  • MIXLINE 120x89 RT LED suspended
  • MIXLINE 120x89 RT LED surface
  • MIXLINE INV LED surface
  • MIXLINE INV LED suspended
  • MIXLINE INV LED recessed
  • MIXLINE LED suspended
  • MIXLINE LED system surface
  • MIXLINE LED system suspended


L927low power - faible puissance2700KCRI>90
L930low power - faible puissance3000KCRI>90
L940low power - faible puissance4000KCRI>90
M927medium power - puissance moyenne2700KCRI>90
M930medium power - puissance moyenne3000KCRI>90
M940medium power - puissance moyenne4000KCRI>90


290 mm
320 mm
540 mm
600 mm
790 mm
880 mm
1040 mm
1160 mm

photometric curves:

  • 26°
  • 54°